Fullstack Web Developer

Orlando, FL

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Ed has been programming computers off and on since the age of thirteen. He has done many things in his adult career. While currently a Firefighter/Paramedic in Central Florida he has decided to return to his IT roots as a Fullstack Web Application Developer. He is currently enrolled in the University of Central Florida's Web Development Bootcamp with an expected graduation of February, 2019.

He does not love speaking about himself in the third person.

In addition to being a FF/PM, his diverse career roles include HRIS Systems Analyst, Bank Manager, Account Manager, Pastor, and Director of Business and Finance. In other words, he has been all over the map and garnered a lot of valuable skills along the way.

Because of his varied experience Ed feels comfortable in the realms of technology, finance, business, interpersonal communication and public speaking in front of large audiences. All skills which he will have to offer his sought-after Web Dev employer.

In college he studied Industrial/Systems Engineering and Computer Science, ultimately receiving a BBA in Finance from Ohio University in preparation for his MA in Theological Studies from Reformed Theological Studies, Orlando, FL.



